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SPORT Rx products have been specifically designed for those engaged in sports or other strenuous physical activity, from weekend warriors to seasoned competitive athletes, sportsmen and women alike. Anyone that is physically active and who is looking to improve recovery and performance and get the most from their training, or simply looking to support their health and vitality will benefit from supplementing their diets with one or more of our uniquely formulated products. Our passion and commitment to delivering ethical, earth-friendly and environmentally conscious products makes our brand the ideal choice for those individuals not only dedicated to looking after their bodies and getting back to training faster and stronger, but also sharing our passion and desire to look after the world we live in.
All SPORT Rx products have been carefully formulated and manufactured to be free from ingredients listed on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) prohibited substance list. All ingredients are fully disclosed on our product labels and all of our products are manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) compliant facility. SPORT Rx products can thus be considered suitable for use by competitive athletes partaking in WADA and IOC compliant sporting codes. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, competitive athletes subject to anti-doping controls are typically advised to seek advice from their medical advisors prior to the use of any nutritional supplement or over the counter medication.
All our products are formulated from 100% natural ingredients commonly found in everyday foodstuffs and are thus free from harmful chemicals, pharmaceutical active ingredients or other artificial ingredients like artificial colouring, flavouring or sweeteners. The above considered, we believe that our formulations are safe for use by those involved in strenuous sports and physical activities of all ages. However, please not that one of our products, ENERGY Rx, does contain natural stimulatory ingredients; we recommend that this product be avoided by those sensitive to stimulants and in particular children with hyperactivity or attention disorder, or those who battle to get deep restful sleep.
Current recommendations for sugar intake in diabetics generally advise that daily sugar intake should not exceed 10% of daily energy intake. The UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition further advises that this percentage ideally be reduced to 5%, which equates to 25g of sugars in a 2000 kCal/day diet. With the aforementioned in mind, SPORT Rx products have been formulated using bare minimum amounts of sugar, and our products are thus well suited for inclusion in a low carbohydrate, diabetic-friendly diet. Diabetics should always factor the product's carbohydrate and sugar content into their daily diet plan and continue to regularly monitor their blood glucose levels to ensure that it is maintained within the recommended range.
As SPORT Rx products have been formulated using the bare minimum amounts of sugar, and our products are generally low in carbohydrates, they are typically suitable for inclusion in low carbohydrate, ketogenic type diets. In particular, our ENERGY Rx, Recovery Rx and SUPERFOODS Rx products, each with 5g or less of carbohydrates per serving, can be considered well-suited for inclusion in ketogenic diets.
Whilst every effort is made to develop and formulate SPORT Rx formulations that are both effective and free from animal-derived ingredients, the use of collagen peptides in our RECOVER Rx and Rebuild Rx formulations has been unavoidable as this is a key component required to deliver and maximise intended benefits of these formulations. We suggest you view the ingredients of each of our unique formulations in order to assess the suitability for vegans and other vegetarians.
SPORT Rx products have been carefully researched, developed and formulated to be completely free from artificial or chemical ingredients, and rely purely on natural colouring and flavouring agents and sweetening from natural sources such as dehydrated coconut flower sap and natural stevia leaf extract.
While most shelf-stable foodstuffs and nutritional products can generally safely be consumed after they have reached their “best before” dates, there is a chance that their nutritional values could be fractionally lowered, depending on the length and condition of their storage. Products kept in a cool, dry place or in a refrigerator are likely to last longer. In some countries, regulatory advice is generally suitable for consumption three months after their “best before” date. However, in the interest of full product potency and efficacy, it is recommended that products be consumed before their stated “best before” dates.